19 Best Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing

Too many people end up thinking that affiliate marketing doesn’t work because of the advice they hear from gurus. They say that you need to run ad campaigns and invest heavily in link-building and other things.

But you don’t have to go broke trying to get rich. The best thing about affiliate marketing is that it can help you get started online with minimal risk since you don’t have to invest anything.

You can earn by connecting people who have a problem in their life with companies that can help them take care of it. While it is important to have people’s attention for you to do that, there are many resourceful ways to make this happen.

Investing money into something online will always make it happen more quickly and easily, but investing time and energy into your online business will improve your chances of long-term success. 

Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking will take you really far online.

You can always monetize in one day with some clicks if you have an audience, but you can hardly make any money without an audience that trusts you.

Each niche and vertical is different, and so is the target customer’s psychology.

Explore all these ways that you can get people’s attention, figure out the kind of people you want to work with, and you will know which ones are the best. 

Below is the most comprehensive list of free sources of traffic for any of your projects that you can find online. They are based on my real experience as a blogger writing about affiliate marketing for well over a year already.

Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing

  1. Tumblr
  2. Reddit
  3. Quora
  4. Craigslist
  5. Pinterest
  6. YouTube
  7. Medium
  8. LinkedIn
  9. Clubhouse
  10. Telegram
  11. Find A Forum
  12. Email Newsletter
  13. Instagram
  14. Snapchat
  15. Twitter
  16. TikTok
  17. Facebook
  18. Google SERP
  19. Personal Outreach

1. Tumblr

You don’t have to use Tumblr to know what it’s all about; the people who do will be sure to tell you wherever you are.

Indeed, one can find accounts and pages dedicated to posting content from Tumblr on every other platform.

The site has about 32 million daily active users and 135 million people engaging with it every month.

It is a place for the cool kinds. A place for intelligent humor, passion, geekdom, fandom, and a community that thrives on inside jokes. It is also extremely viable for affiliate marketing, and that too, for free.

In all honestly, I can’t say much about organic growth, but I do know that it’s a smaller and tighter community than most. Generally, this means smaller impressions with higher-quality engagement.

There is also less competition.

Be sure to build a good reader profile and make valuable microblogs/posts for them with images and other media. Also, cover relevant, current topics, and make good use of the tags.

Connect with the liberal fun-loving people on this platform who appreciate art, humor, and the finer things in life.

Do this through content that’s genuine and valuable, and you can succeed in your affiliate marketing campaigns here.

  • How It Works: Create personalized posts for targeted communities and promote affiliate products that are relevant to them. Redirect the traffic to a landing page (recommended) or add your affiliate links in posts with a disclaimer.
  • Biggest Challenges: A lot of young people with less spending power who are uninterested in “serious” things and serious about “fun” things. Finding the right product that’s also lucrative can be difficult.
  • Advantages: Less competition, a lot of room for fun, creative expression, and experimentation. A highly engaged audience, ideal for creating communities.
  • To Succeed: Inject humor, have fun, and be extremely empathetic to your audience.

2. Reddit

Reddit is a different beast altogether. It is a place for people to come together to discuss, obsess, mess around, gossip, and solve complex problems together. The platform has about 55 million daily active users.

On a monthly basis, that number jumps up to approximately 1.6 billion. That’s massive when you compare it to Tumblr! Affiliate marketing can be quite tricky here. In the first place, everything is pretty much moderated by other users.

In many ways, Reddit is the king of all forums. This means that your marketing strategy should be similar to Quora, in my opinion. You can’t go around pushing a hard sell. 

The fact is, there are many people coming here quite often, and you can leverage that if done correctly. I suggest that you should add an image and use your name carefully. If possible, use your real name and photo.

Reddit’s karma system allows you to quantify the level of authority you have within a subreddit community. Comment with Gifs and thoughtful, valuable messages to rack up these points and avoid adding your plug.

As you build your credibility within different communities, you have to trust that people will visit your profile and check out your links and personal posts.

  • How It Works: Optimize your profile page, identify your ideal subreddits, and start building up karma points by regular engagement. Do a soft sell when appropriate and direct people to your profile links.
  • Biggest Challenges: It can be a bit risky as it will take a lot of time with no guaranteed results. Many people on Reddit tend to hide behind anonymous avatars to mess with serious people.
  • Advantages: An untapped opportunity. Very few people are trying to sell things through Reddit or build their profiles. Publishers can benefit from the compartmentalization of different communities.
  • To Succeed: Don’t worry about karma points, and always do the right thing. Let people check out your page naturally through unique answers and responses at appropriate places.

3. Quora

Most people are quite familiar with how Quora works, as I’m sure many of us have seen how people use it as a marketing channel. The approach is similar to Reddit’s as it’s all about personal branding.

There are about 300 million monthly active users on this site. In a nutshell, people come together on Quora to find answers to questions, which is quite obvious to everyone.

You might not be aware that adults in the US with a household income of $100k+ spend twice the amount of time here than they do on LinkedIn! That’s because so many professionals are building their brands on Quora.

The point of using this platform for affiliate marketing is to build your credibility and earn trust with people online as an expert in your field. 

If you are in the gardening niche and you give great, concise, and clever answers to all queries related to growing plants, people are more likely to check out your profile as a gardening expert and buy the products you recommend.

Some level of expertise would be ideal as you need to go beyond the answers people could find on Google through random blogs.

  • How It Works: Build your profile with recognizable branding. Add your link tree, website, landing page, or affiliate link to your profile. Expertly answer the relevant questions that your target audience would be asking.
  • Biggest Challenges: Just like Reddit, the visibility of your posts, or answers, lies in the hands of other people. If nobody upvotes your responses, nobody will see them.
  • Advantages: Gain the trust of your target audience as an authority on the subjects of your niche/vertical. Allows you to add links to your profile and bio.
  • To Succeed: Target the relevant questions that have fewer replies, and answer them in the best way possible. Create and adhere to recognizable branding through an online persona. Optimize your profile and make it visible.

4. Craigslist

While they say that about 250 million people visit Craigslist worldwide on a monthly basis, most of these people might not be useful to you. That’s because Craigslist is like an online bulletin board for a city.

It is a very minimalistic website where people can post all kinds of ads for free in various categories. Other people can then view these ads and reach out to whoever created them.

One can view, post ads, and reach out to people from anywhere, regardless of where they may be, but the site is organized based on cities. 

If you want to sell a physical product, you can post an ad for it and then send your affiliate link by email to whoever reaches out to you. People also upload small write-ups for courses and services.

Craigslist doesn’t have a policy that prohibits affiliate marketing, and many people have used the website to generate a few extra leads for free.

  • How It Works: Post ads for your affiliate products or services and send people your affiliate links by email.
  • Biggest Challenges: Setting expectations without scaring people off can be difficult. Most people would think twice before clicking on a link sent to them by an unknown person on Craigslist.
  • Advantages: Besides being absolutely free, it is a platform that is underutilized in comparison to its popularity. 
  • To Succeed: Post as many ads as possible in the right cities and be regular in managing them. Posting regularly, but avoid spamming. Your ad needs to make you seem trustworthy. Having a header or banner would help.

5. Pinterest

Now, we are slowly moving into some of the mainstream channels with a ton of potential for free affiliate marketing opportunities. There are a lot of people on these, which means more traffic for your campaigns.

Pinterest has an average of over 450 million monthly active users from around the world. A majority of the people on this platform are actually women, which makes this one stand out.

The rest of the traffic sources we have covered so far had a roughly equal male-to-female ratio, whereas about 3 out of 4 users on Pinterest are women. That should tell you a lot about what kind of campaigns work here.

It is primarily a visual platform with pictures, videos, illustrations, and infographics. Fashion, home decor, art-related, inspirational, and ideas-related content really thrives here.

A link can be added to each post you create on Pinterest, so you can add your affiliate links very easily. However, some accounts have been known to get suspended for being too spammy, so you can use a few other ways to mix it up.

Many people prefer to redirect traffic to their blogs or landing pages, there are also some really cool apps that let you attach affiliate links to images of the products themselves. (See: Shop The Look)

  • How It Works: Find a niche that is profitable for you and appropriate for this primarily-female visual platform. Learn Pinterest SEO, create posts, and add your links.
  • Biggest Challenges: Since this platform is used sporadically by people to get ideas and inspiration, it is difficult to build a following.
  • Advantages: Great place for fashion, home decor, and art-related verticals.
  • To Succeed: Always keep up to date with what the creators of the platform are doing. They are very active, and you need to keep up with what they are trying to push. Currently, the algorithm is promoting shart videos.

6. YouTube

What’s there to be said about this one? We all are very familiar with YouTube, and being a full-time creator on the platform has even become a respectable mainstream job. 

It’s easy to get intimidated by the sheer number of people uploading here and the level of quality, but the algorithm is always working in everyone’s favor. YouTube’s algorithm is one of the best I have seen in this regard.

Many YouTubers earn their money through affiliate marketing, and if your content is good enough, people will come to you organically sooner or later. You have to learn a few things and stay consistent, but the traffic is free of cost.

SEO, thumbnails, titles, editing, audio, and video are a few things that all professional YouTubers should invest time and money in to see good results.

  • How It Works: Start a relevant channel, create valuable content consistently, and just add your affiliate links in your video descriptions. You can also send people anywhere else. 
  • Biggest Challenges: It takes time, effort, and discipline to grow your channel enough that you can earn well through affiliate marketing.
  • Advantages: Awesome potential for organic growth, more than a billion daily active users, and a ton of opportunities.
  • To Succeed: Find a niche or category that you could actually excel at. Something you are ready to commit to doing for quite some time. You can always find the right affiliate program once you have an audience.

7. Medium

Blogging has long been one of the best, proven methods of doing affiliate marketing with no capital investment. Yet, making your own website and setting up your blog through WordPress might entail some expenses.

That’s why it can be a good idea to use blogging platforms like Medium, where you can pretty much write articles for free. The platform itself is quite an awesome place for bloggers to find their bearings.

Affiliate links are allowed in posts, but there are a few restrictions, like you can’t add advertisement banners or overly commercial and spammy content. 

The website has a domain rating of 95/100, which means that you can actually rank on Google with some good on-page SEO. The issue is that readers need to have a subscription to read your articles.

There are about 80 to 100 million monthly active users on this platform. Since it costs you nothing to publish, you should seriously consider blogging here. Just make sure to follow their guidelines on affiliate marketing.

  • How It Works: Anyone can make an account and start publishing blogs for free on Medium.
  • Biggest Challenges: It is a paid platform with a limited readership.
  • Advantages: A high domain rating allows you to rank well with good on-page SEO.
  • To Succeed: Give a brief overview in the beginning so the free viewers know what they are missing. You can even highlight your name here so people know they can find your stuff for free. I suggest an email newsletter.

8. LinkedIn

There has been a lot of rave about LinkedIn in the past few years, and rightfully so. This one has over 310 million monthly active users, all of whom are pretty serious about their work.

The average LinkedIn user has very less screen time, usually less than half an hour and typically around the morning on working days. Whereas many people who use Linked In for their own marketing also do so over the weekend.

One unique thing about this one is that people can see all your activity right on your profile. Thus, profiles are way more comprehensive and can be impressively fleshed out.

Affiliate marketing can work here as well, and there are many bona fide influencers on the platform in finance, self-improvement, business, marketing, and other professional niches. 

  • How It Works: Build your profile, engage with people, and post valuable content. Establish your authority on a certain subject in an intelligent and sophisticated way. LinkedIn is not a place where fake gurus or sleazy salespeople can thrive.
  • Biggest Challenges: Establishing authority and getting traction can be difficult unless you can actually be a part of a community and stay right on top of everything related to it.
  • Advantages: You can get quite some mileage out of a free profile and really add another dimension to your online presence. Great networking potential.
  • To Succeed: Follow professional LinkedIn marketers and incorporate their learnings into your strategy. Long-form video is currently doing quite well.

9. Clubhouse

Clubhouse is an audio-only social media platform that became insanely popular during the lockdowns of 2020. It gave people a way to talk one on one while they were in physical isolation.

Using Clubhouse feels a lot like a virtual conference or a group get-together. The platform has around 10 million monthly active users, which is indeed quite less than the other ones we’ve seen.

It is still quite viable for affiliate marketing. Clubhouse provides a completely unique way to interact with our audiences. Unlike forums and other websites, though, you will have to build your community here.

In this way, while building one would require effort, like on YouTube, nowhere else can your audience actually speak to you and interact the way they do on Clubhouse. Most 

YouTubers use Twitch to live stream their activities and build a community. Podcasters can use Clubhouse in exactly the same way. Ultimately, Clubhouse is a great way to give more value to your core audience.

  • How It Works: Build a community by talking to people in similar rooms and hosting public rooms regularly. Simply add your blog, website, or affiliate links by pinning them on a room.
  • Biggest Challenges: A smaller platform with less than ideal navigation. Difficult to build a community on the platform without at least a few other people from the get-go.
  • Advantages: Zero to no competition. If you provide a ton of value here, you can eventually give people a reason to log in. Live rooms are like events, though, so they tend to require some prior planning to succeed.
  • To Succeed: Redirect traffic from other platforms here as a way to win them over. Kind of like a free and spontaneous webinar from your home. 

10. Telegram

Telegram is a pretty standard messaging app and the biggest competitor to WhatsApp. Yet, whereas WhatsApp is seen as a very private texting platform, Telegram is more appropriate for free marketing.

One reason is that there are no file-sharing restrictions on the platform. The app has around 55 million monthly active users. Telegram groups can be a viable option for getting a little more traffic.

That’s because public groups can be searched for on the app, and people can join them from the platform itself. Other than that, you can also find groups online and reach out to individuals posting on the group personally.

Reaching out to people that you find through groups can be a bit tricky since you have to do outreach which is like cold calling essentially. 

Your chances might be a bit better if you find the right groups online and plug your other sites and free services instead of trying to close a deal. A good bio that sends people to your pages could also help.

  • How It Works: Build a group that people can find through the app or find other groups to join anywhere online. Interact with people through these groups or message them individually.
  • Biggest Challenges: People will always be wary of links, and the information you can access on them is limited. Hard to find your ideal target audience.
  • Advantages: A way to send personal messages and cold calls that aren’t immediately ignored or dismissed.
  • To Succeed: Never try to make conversions. Instead, give people free value as one human individual to another. You need to get to know each other before a deal can be closed.

11. Find A Forum

Reddit might be the king of online forums, but there are probably a bit too many subreddits out there. With the sheer diversity of the audience combined with the anonymous profiles, it’s hard to make real progress.

Turns out, there are a ton of dedicated forums out there for all kinds of people, with topics that range from mainstream to very niche. The question is: how do you find these forums?

During my research for potential free traffic sources, I found an interesting website called Find A Forum. Apparently, it’s the biggest online directory of niche forums.

Users come to these forums to discuss things, build communities, and interact with each other. I found that many of these forums are not functional anymore, but more than half of them are still online.

Be sure to check the ones out in your preferred niche and try to engage with the people who might be interested in your partnered companies.

  • How It Works: Go to Find A Forum, select your niche, and try to find a working forum with active members. Interact, view, and search for people who might be interested, and make your pitch.
  • Biggest Challenges: Hard to find the right forum with people who want to buy anything at all.
  • Advantages: The smaller your niche, the easier it is to market. If you have a small target audience, you might find a few customers on these forums for free.
  • To Succeed: The people on these forums are anonymous, so the most important thing is to understand the psychology of your target audience. Develop a detailed profile of your target customer and do everything the way they would prefer.
  • For example: If you are selling a DIY car maintenance tool kit, then your target audience will be on automotive forums. They do not want to see any fluff whatsoever, just direct and accurate answers to their technical difficulties.

12. Email Newsletter

Email marketing is an incredibly underrated conversion engine. Its power lies in the fact that you own the distribution system through which your content reaches your audience. 

While it might be difficult to imagine how you will get people on your newsletter, that’s not the part you should focus on very much. Think of an email newsletter as “passive” traffic.

You need to set up ways throughout your online pages for people to sign up for it and then send out a monthly or weekly newsletter. Then you just let your sales funnel do the work as you focus on creating great content.

Newsletters are particularly powerful for affiliate marketing, and there are tons of free ones out there. The fact that people can voluntarily join and unsubscribe is a major part of their appeal.

That’s why it’s important that you don’t try to manipulate or boost your email subscribers through distasteful means. 

  • How It Works: Start a newsletter through a free platform. Add a signup link for your newsletter to all your pages that people view. Schedule and send out regular newsletters that provide the value that you advertised.
  • Biggest Challenges: You need to really build up an audience somewhere or the other, so people will trust you enough to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Advantages: Low effort and high returns.
  • To Succeed: Direct all your traffic to your newsletter through every profile page you have on the web.
  • For Example: Start a newsletter about cool discounts on various products and services within a niche, and people who want them will sign on voluntarily. Add affiliate links to the actual newsletters and profit.

13. Instagram

Instagram marketing is not for the weak of heart. Maybe it was before, but not anymore. The site has over 1 billion monthly and 500 million daily active users

With the sheer volume of content, combined with the one-dimensional scrolling feed that most users prefer to stick to, it is harder than ever to build an audience here for free.

Most professional marketers know that to get reliable results from your campaigns, you have to run ads nowadays. Not to say that there is zero scope for free traffic; it’s just really difficult.

That said, the winning trick is to have something valuable that makes you stand out. This is not something you can design on a drawing board and execute based on calculations, either.

You just have to try and upload awesome, unique, and useful content, making use of hashtags, outreach, and your personal and professional network. Of course, you have to do this consistently as well.

By trying out different things, you will know whether it is for you if you can keep it up for a long time with at least some visible growth. Watch out for fake accounts and only engage with white-hat practices.

  • How It Works: Create a creative and visually appealing account that people can trust. Post awesome content for your target audience. Keep it up regularly and consistently. Direct your traffic to your affiliate links.
  • Biggest Challenges: The sheer volume of competition and distaste for scams, frauds, and fake accounts that come with anything money-related on IG.
  • Advantages: A ton of traffic on the platform from all over the world. There are so many people who use this app every single day.
  • To Succeed: Make cool content that only you can make. Be consistent and post often, I cannot overstate this part enough. Use hashtags and keep improving your content’s quality. Anyone can break through eventually.

14. Snapchat

People often take Snapchat for granted. It used to be THE place for cool kids and hip people. While it is still quite popular at about 397 million daily active users, the growth of these numbers has really slowed down.

On a monthly basis, they say that there are about 750 million unique users here. A whopping 90 people of those are all people between the ages of just 18 to 24. So, a lot of young folks in one place, what could go wrong?

The more important question is, what can go right for you by utilizing this traffic? Well, the platform has its own unique trends and demographics. Most of the people here are from India, to name one thing worth considering.

It’s important to understand the content, trends, and audience when you consider this one. Although Snapchat has seen its share of successful affiliate marketing campaigns, it is not without its challenges.

The environment is a lot like TikTok, and there is real friction between polarizing audiences. As such, content creators may feel stuck between wanting to follow the trends and advertising their products authentically.

  • How It Works: Create a free account, make a public profile, or sign up as a business. Post optimized content that would appeal to your audience and fit well on the platform. Redirect to affiliate links.
  • Biggest Challenges: Short attention spans with a one to two-second window to make an impression. A young audience with small wallets.
  • Advantages: Not many people are doing business here, and younger people are just as likely to focus on making money and materialistic pursuits.
  • To Succeed: Choose a good niche, but also be open to experimenting. One of the most successful campaigns I have seen was actually for a financial service. Content is king. Make what appeals to people.

15. Twitter

Twitter is a lot like LinkedIn in many ways. It has about 450 million monthly active users throughout the world, and most of the people on it use it under their own name. 

I once heard that Twitter is like the town’s gladiator arena. I think that is an apt analogy. The smallest person can reach out to the biggest people, and things can light on fire very quickly.

In terms of affiliate marketing, there is great potential if you build your profile exactly how you would on LinkedIn. As a place to share your thoughts as an expert or veteran in your field. 

If you can do that while giving value to people, you can succeed here, as your audience is more likely to trust your recommendations.

  • How It Works: Create a new account and build your profile. Select an affiliate program that’s ideal for your followers. 
  • Biggest Challenges: Difficult to build enough trust with people to get them to click on your links when your tweets get so lost in the vast ocean of other tweets.
  • Advantages: It doesn’t require any real special skill or know-how. You can figure out what to tweet based on researching a few competitors.
  • To Succeed: Make sure people know who you are. If they don’t, make sure your profile is easy to understand.

16. TikTok 

I’m sure you must have heard already, but TikTok is all the rave these days. The platform is as popular as it is controversial. It also has a whopping 1 billion monthly active users, with 150 million people just in the US.

Its short video format is addictive and easy to make. The app also has a lot of cool filters that make it so easy for new creators to make interesting content. TikTok affiliate marketing also has massive potential.

The biggest reason why it’s so famous among marketers is that it’s so easy to go viral here. Just one right piece of content and anyone can become famous, that’s the idea anyway.

Keep in mind that the platform doesn’t really allow you to post affiliate links without scrutiny. That’s why I recommend you create a landing page or a link tree with your affiliate links and direct traffic there.

  • How It Works: Create short and entertaining videos. Once you have enough of the right kind of following, share products or services that they would value.
  • Biggest Challenges: People want entertainment here, first and foremost. TikTok has also made it hard for people to leave the platform through policy and design choices.
  • Advantages: Ease of creating original content and massive potential for organic growth.
  • To Succeed: Focus on niches like fashion, food, and relationships that might appeal to your general audience. Don’t be too eager to sell.

17. Facebook

Out of all the social media out there today, Facebook seems to be the most popular of all. The platform has around 2.8 billion monthly active users to prove my previous point.

The problem is the same as Instagram, though. The sheer amount of posts, advertisements, and content makes it almost impossible to gain any kind of traction without running advertisements.

But don’t be fooled, as we have already covered in much more detail, there are many ways you can succeed at affiliate marketing on Facebook besides ads.

The general idea is about the same as all the ones before. Build a profile, create great content, build a following, and sell them products. I’m just reading that might’ve made all the other ways come to mind.

That’s right! Facebook also has groups and pages. It also allows you to join, participate in, create, and engage with communities of people with shared interests. You can also share things on your page instead of making your own.

  • How It Works: Start a Facebook group/page, create & post content. Engage with people and build an email list.
  • Biggest Challenges: Can be time-consuming without an ad budget. It’s also hard to promote things without coming off as spammy.
  • Advantages: Many ways to network and connect with people. Lots of free ways to generate income.
  • To Succeed: The trick is to create an audience and a long-lasting community. That way, you can always recommend them things and earn commissions regardless of circumstances and policies.

18. Google SERP

Starting off with one of the most tried and tested ways of doing affiliate marketing on the internet, period.

That is, to make a niche website with SEO content that gives topical authority and makes its pages rank on Google.

More people are using Google than ever before, but there are also more websites than ever before.

While most people suggest investing money into backlinking services and other strategies, there are ways you can do this for free.

Most of these include using Google Keyword Planner and the search bar to do keyword research, find out what people are searching for, and make content that’s better than anything already out there.

This requires a bit of luck and specialized knowledge, as you need to write good things before bigger websites cover them and get backlinks organically from the original content. 

Buying a domain name and setting up a website can also incur some charges unless you find a loophole by being resourceful. (there are some ways to get free domain hosting, some of which involve affiliate marketing.)

  • How It Works: Build an authoritative niche website with organic backlinks through outstanding content. Rank on Google. Direct the traffic to your affiliate campaign.
  • Biggest Challenges: Domain hosting and other operational charges require some resourcefulness. Need a little luck to do this all organically due to the high level of competition. Can take quite some time. (think in years)
  • Advantages: One of the best ways to get red-hot leads for free online that are ripe for conversions. Sit back and enjoy the sales, only making updates and checking links occasionally. Or sell your site.
  • To Succeed: Invest a lot of time in researching and crafting the ideal responses to each search you are targeting. Stay up to date on all things SEO.

19. Personal Outreach 

When all else fails, consider cold calling. In general, there are too many scams and frauds out there for people to click on unknown links from shady sources. 

That’s why you have to ensure that you reach out to people personally the right way. You might have noticed that I didn’t mention commenting or direct messaging anywhere before on the list or probably didn’t.

Well, I’m telling now because of the reason why this point is at the bottom of the list. Personal messages are so much more effective when you have a reputation to back you up.

You should only reach out to people directly when you have set up your profile, optimized your sales funnel, and collected a lot of experience under your belt in terms of content creation.

It’s also better to comment on popular accounts with valuable things after you have a blue tick next to your name. Do you see what I mean? 

  • How It Works: Once you have an impressive and established online presence, you can comment under your biggest competitors’ posts and reach out to people via personal messages.
  • Biggest Challenges: Obviously, people are very judgemental and assume the worst out of strangers in order to protect themselves.
  • Advantages: Established players don’t do this at all because they don’t need to. But there is a potential to make lifelong loyal followers by scaling the unscalable.
  • To Succeed: Invite people to get free value and approach them with an offering. It’s better to turn strangers into prospects instead of alienating them with a pushy deal.


As you can see, each platform has a unique audience and user experience. Different types of people go to each one to fulfill a specific set of needs. 

It’s also important to note that when you don’t have any money to spend and no reputation to speak of, you have to make up for it with time, effort, and energy.

The best way to craft your winning strategy is to understand that you need to build an audience before you can monetize it through affiliate marketing.

Alternatively, you can also simply connect people with products or services that they need, but it can be hard to figure out who needs what. 

That’s why you should plan and develop a full-stack sales funnel that leverages multiple channels and builds up an audience over time. Figure out what you can do best and focus on that fully.

Pick a few of these channels that you can double down on for a long time consistently and actually get results. As I have mentioned in each point, each mode of affiliate marketing has its own place in the funnel.

Go through the links, watch a few YouTube videos, and try out what piques your interest without any pressure. Get a feel for each platform and multiple niches before you commit.

Once you do commit, have faith in your long-term strategy and stick to it. This list is meant to serve as a source of ideas and inspiration for online businesspeople. I wish you all the very best, and I hope that it helped!

Anirudh Gitai.- SB Digital Writer/Affiliate Marketing Coordinator

Anirudh Gitai

Writer from the heart – whether it is affiliate marketing or fiction – and a proud member of Shivansh’s team! Big fan of combat sports, reading non-fiction, and watching the best of everything from anime and movies to TV and video games.

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