Network Marketing or multi-level marketing has always been a controversial way of selling products or services over a long period of time.
I personally am not at all into network marketing but I believe that if you do it the right way, by caring about people, and actually providing valuable stuff/services, you can go way ahead with this business model.
Some of the biggest guys on the planet including Warren Buffet support this business model and in fact, network marketing was a big role player in ClickFunnels’ founder Russell Brunson.
With that being said, in this post, I’m going to share with you the best network marketing affiliate programs you need to check out for better revenue.
So, without wasting any time further, let’s jump right into our pool of network marketing affiliate programs.
- Best Network Marketing Affiliate Programs
- 1. Elite Marketing Pro Affiliate Program
- 2. Udemy Affiliate Program
- 3. Udimi Affiliate Program
- 4. AWeber Affiliate Program
- 5. GetResponse Affiliate Program
- 6. MLM Gateway Affiliate Program
- 7. Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program
- 8. ClickFunnels Affiliate Program
- In Conclusion
Best Network Marketing Affiliate Programs
- Elite Marketing Pro Affiliate Program
- Udemy Affiliate Program
- Udimi Affiliate Program
- AWeber Affiliate Program
- GetResponse Affiliate Program
- MLM Gateway Affiliate Program
- Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program
- ClickFunnels Affiliate Program
1. Elite Marketing Pro Affiliate Program
Elite Marketing Pro is a digital company founded by Tim Erway, Ferny Ceballos, and Matt Crystal that teaches aspirant network marketers how to start a network marketing business the right way or take your existing business to the next level.
People can learn a whole lot of stuff such as how to connect with people properly and get more profitable leads without wasting any money or time by running behind dead leads or prospects.
They offer three training programs – The Attraction Marketing Formula Bootcamp, Magnetic Sponsoring, and Social Retail & Enrollment Blueprint.
As an affiliate of Elite Marketing Pro, affiliates earn a twenty percent commission. But as a premier affiliate, you can earn up to 70% commission per sale.
Their affiliate program is managed in-house and you can learn more about the company and its affiliate program by visiting their official website. As a customer, you are automatically approved as an affiliate.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: 20-70% commission
Cookie Duration: Not disclosed
Payment Threshold: $20
2. Udemy Affiliate Program
The second company we have got on the list is Udemy. Well, we all know what Udemy is but have you ever had a search for ‘network marketing’ or ‘MLM’ on Udemy?
As of now, there are over 10,000 results that pop up when I do that. A lot of expert network marketers have shared their knowledge in the form of training courses on Udemy which you can promote to earn commissions.
You can promote the network marketing courses and generate an income off of that. Udemy pays up to fifteen percent commission to its partners. The cookie life is seven days and payments are made via PayPal.
The affiliate program is managed on Rakuten LinkShare and interested individuals can get started with the program for free.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: Up to 15% commission on all sales
Cookie Duration: 7 days
Payment Threshold: $50
3. Udimi Affiliate Program
We all know how important it is to attract or bring high-quality traffic/clicks/leads for a network marketing business to be successful.
Udimi is the perfect solution for people who want targeted traffic or interested prospects for selling products or services at scale. An individual as a network marketer can head over to Udimi and order clicks/traffic for money.
Interested people can buy solo ads from Udimi and sell their products effectively. You can join the Udimi affiliate program for free and earn massive commissions.
Network marketers generally order loads and loads of traffic at once and you will get paid a fifteen percent commission if your affiliate link is used. Let’s say someone clicks your link and buys $10,000 worth of clicks, you get paid $1,500 in commission for that.
Other than this, affiliates also get paid a 25% commission on all Prime subscriptions. Plus, there are a lot of other bonuses that you can reap the benefits of.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: 15% commission on all orders, 25% commission on Prime subscriptions
Cookie Duration: Not disclosed
Payment Threshold: Not mentioned
4. AWeber Affiliate Program
Email marketing plays an extremely important in network marketing as well. Yep! You have read this absolutely correctly! It’s because a lot of network marketers do utilize and should utilize the power of email marketing.
This is because stats say that for every dollar the is spent on email marketing, it brings back roughly $44 in return. You will find the vast majority of the network marketers using email marketing to grow their businesses.
As an affiliate, you can help network marketers build a reputation and a great audience with the help of email marketing tools like AWeber.
The AWeber affiliate program pays a recurring commission for life. You get a 30% commission as long as the customer uses the tool. This is a great opportunity for you as an affiliate to generate recurring commissions.
Simply recommend this product to aspiring network marketers or well-established network marketers and help them grow their business with flying colors, and in return, earn nifty commissions.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: 30% recurring commission
Cookie Duration: 365 days
Payment Threshold: $30
5. GetResponse Affiliate Program
The next option we have is also an email marketing tool just like AWeber but rather, it offers a lot of features from webinars (which network marketers or MLM guys can use to connect with masses and sell products), landing pages, signup pages, ad management, autoresponder, and a lot of other cool stuff all kinds of marketers can utilize.
I’ve talked about the GetResponse affiliate program in one of my previous posts as well. If you wish to learn more, you can click here to read more.
The program either pays a hundred-dollar commission on the front end or thirty-three percent recurring commissions. The cookie length is one hundred and twenty days.
You can recommend this digital marketing platform to network marketers and earn commissions effortlessly.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: $100 per sale or 33% recurring commission
Cookie Duration: 120 days
Payment Threshold: $50
6. MLM Gateway Affiliate Program
MLM Gateway has been a very popular brand/platform for network marketing professionals for a long time. They connect network marketers with each other for the better.
They also help well-established entrepreneurs and business professionals in expanding their businesses. The main goal of this platform is to help network marketers generate more leads without running from place to place every now and then.
If someone clicks your affiliate link and signup for their premium membership, you as an affiliate earn anywhere from 35-50% commission as a reward.
You can contact their team to learn more about the affiliate program as well as the company. Feel free to do that by visiting the navigation links I have put down below.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to contact team
Commission Rates: 35-50% commission
Cookie Duration: Not disclosed
Payment Threshold: Not mentioned
7. Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program
Well, Legendary Marketer has no connections with MLM or network marketing at all. But, they teach a lot of skills that people need to learn to be able to grow their network marketing businesses.
Skills such as Facebook advertisements, copywriting, how to make sales calls the right way, how to build your personality, how to host webinars, and perform a whole lot of other stuff every network marketer or MLM executive needs to learn.
As a Legendary Marketer affiliate, you earn anywhere from 5 to 60% commission on all sales. Other than this, you get access to a great community of affiliate marketers to connect with and share inspirations, goals, and strategies.
You can learn more about the program either by reading my post about high ticket affiliate programs or visiting the official Legendary Marketer website.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: 5-60% commission
Cookie Duration: Lifelong cookie length
Payment Threshold: Not disclosed
8. ClickFunnels Affiliate Program
ClickFunnels is the last option we have got on our list of network marketing affiliate programs. Well, he must be thinking this company is just a sales panel builder. How come I can classify this in this list?
Well, the interesting thing about ClickFunnels is that not only do they provide a sales funnel builder software but also provide a lot of books, training sessions, webinars, live events, and one on one coaching for people to build all kinds of skills such as network marketing, affiliate marketing, sales funnels, traffic generation, lead generation, leadership, and management.
The company’s founder Russell Brunson sells his books such as Network Marketing Secrets, Expert Secrets, Traffic Secrets, DotCom Secrets, and various other challenges
You can promote these offers to earn big commissions. I’m more than. sure that network marketers or related audiences will love to purchase these kinds of products. After all, Russell is a network marketing beast!
You get paid anywhere from twenty to forty percent commission depending on what you promote. Learn more about the program by visiting the ClickFunnels affiliate signup page.
Official Website:
Affiliate Signup Page: Click here to join
Commission Rates: 20-40% commission
Cookie Duration: Lifelong cookie duration (sticky cookie)
Payment Threshold: $100
In Conclusion
As you can see there are some great affiliate programs to promote in the network marketing niche as well. You just have to be careful with what you promote because the industry has always been a bit controversial and there have been a lot of scams.
But the programs I have mentioned are all reputed ones that you can check out for the better if this kind of audience interests you as an affiliate.
I hope you found this listicle helpful. If you have got any kind of questions or suggestions, feel free to jump into the comments section down below and let everyone know what you think.