20 LinkedIn Statistics To Know In 2023 [Infographic]

LinkedIn Statistics:

LinkedIn is a beast in the world of social media. It’s been growing rapidly and adding hundreds of millions of monthly active users every single year.

As a business, marketer, or even a content creator, if you’re not using LinkedIn…there’s something wrong with you.

In this post, I’m going to tell (show) you top 20 LinkedIn statistics you need to know about LinkedIn.

But before I come to that, some additional information is necessary.

For those of you who don’t know what LinkedIn is, it’s an American business and employment-oriented service that operates with a website and mobile applications.

But let me tell you that it’s no longer just a tool to find jobs or hire people.

It’s become a huge content platform right now, with massive organic reach, great potential, and superb user experience.

People are spending a lot of their time on LinkedIn to grow their businesses at scale.

So, if you’re a business or content creator and not utilizing the power of LinkedIn, give it a go.

It’ll for sure, take your revenue and relationships to the next level.

LinkedIn allows you to write and publish articles, grow your network via connecting and networking with people in your industry, participating in subjective groups, have discussions via messages or comments, post videos, follow hashtags, hire people, post jobs, run advertisement, and much more.

It reminds me of how Facebook was in 2007.

A lot of marketers are recommending LinkedIn to businesses. And the ones that are using it are finding great successes.

It’s the all in one platform you should definitely know about.

With that being said, I’ll come to our main thing – the top 20 LinkedIn statistics.

Come on! Let’s have a look at them…

Let's look at the amazing stats I was talking about.
20 Amazing LinkedIn Statistics To Know In 2020. An Inforgraphic To Top LinkedIn Stats. These LinkedIn stats will shock you.

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These were the top LinkedIn stats I wanted to share with you.

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